Chapel - Gossip Day 3 (October 6th)

With social media and the viewing of around 3,000 advertisements per day, it is easier than ever to compare ourselves to highlight reels or unrealistic portrayals of others. We must choose to fight against comparison and for contentment in Christ. Jesus, God himself, loved us enough to sacrifice Himself for our ransom. When we stop focusing on what other people have and instead focus on our beloved status, and all we do have in Christ, we will be motivated by love and a feeling of profound significance.

Chapel - Gossip Day 2 (September 29th)

Labels can be helpful when expressing who we are, but ultimately, they are not our whole identity or anyone else’s. The only label that truly matters is that we are Christ’s, or we are not. Consequently, these are the two labels that are helpful and true in this world when describing people: “sinners saved by grace” and “sinners in need of grace.” Yet, we do not label people as believers and unbelievers to shun those who do not believe, but to be more intentional about sharing the Gospel and love of Christ with them.