Mrs. Shinkle & Mrs. Pierce are Retiring!

The Emmanuel Family has been incredibly blessed to have Joni Pierce and Esther Shinkle on staff for many years. Esther has 25 years at ECA and 39 years in Christian Education. Joni has 17 years at ECA and 33 years in Christian Education.

They are both retiring at the end of the school year. Each of their contributions are incalculable! Only the Lord knows all they have done to benefit our faculty, students, and families. We are sad to see them go, but richly blessed to be a part of their service.

On Friday, May 17th at 9AM, faculty and friends will gather in the Library to share cards, encouragement and to lay hands on both Esther and Joni as we pray for them. Please join us by either praying at that time or by meeting with us in the Library. 

John Essig - Superintendent